BUILDING GREEN online session: Building Skills ecosystems - Moving forward in provision of skills for the green transition

We are pleased to invite you to the BUILDING GREEN online session: Building Skills Ecosystems - Moving forward in the provision of skills for the green transition.
On 15 February 2024, 16:00 - 18:30 GMT+5/Tashkent Time.
We zoom in on the role of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) in green skills ecosystems.
We will unpack the skills ecosystem and look into the dynamics of green partnerships to identify actors and enabling factors for efficient skills provision. Centers of Vocational Excellence will share their experience and practices from engagement in their regional skills ecosystems.
Key takeaways from the event:
- Awareness of dynamics of skills eco systems relating to the green transition
- Knowledge on practices and examples from CoVEs
- Update on relevant developments in ENE and its green sub-initiative, GRETA – Greening Responses to Excellence through Thematic Actions.
Interpretation is provided in French, Turkish, and Ukrainian.
Please register by the 13th of February by clicking on the button below:
After registering you will receive the link to access the meeting.
For more information on GRETA please visit ENE GRETA’s website page or contact GRETA Lead Expert, Susanne M. Nielsen at ETF smn@etf.europa.eu.