2015-2020 yillar sayti


Final event of "TRIGGER" project in TSTU

Final event of "TRIGGER" project in TSTU

On April 17th, the final conference of the Erasmus+ TRIGGER project, a key initiative aimed at "Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Central Asia," was hosted by the Tashkent State Transport University. The conference marked a significant milestone in our efforts to enhance the integration of academic excellence with practical, market-oriented skills.

Distinguished participants from Uzbek higher education institutions in partner countries and Europe, including professors, industry leaders, representatives from the Ministry of Transport, representatives from non-profit organizations, Project Manager of National Erasmus+ Office in Uzbekistan and students, gathered for the event. These diverse attendees convened to exchange insights, outcomes, and strategies developed over the span of several significant years of the project.


The day commenced with insightful speeches by Vice-Rector Said Shaumarov and notable international guests such as Associate Professor Marianna Sinichakova, PhD, from TUKE (Technical University of Kositce), Slovakia. Their speeches established the tone for a day filled with intense discussions and networking.

Panel discussions and presentations showcased the project's accomplishments, including notable progress in entrepreneurial education and the successful establishment of sustainable university-industry partnerships. These sessions spotlighted innovative teaching methodologies and new curricula that played a crucial role in enhancing the employability of our graduates.

In reflecting on this phase of the TRIGGER project, TSTU remains dedicated to the core ideals driving the initiative. We persist in our pursuit of educational excellence, firmly believing that our graduates are well-equipped to meet the challenges of the global job market and emerge as the innovators and leaders of the future.

Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions

Key Action 3

Jean Monnet Actions

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