Website of 2015-2020


A round table was held between higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan and France

A round table was held between higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan and France

On November 4 of this year, as part of the official visit of the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron to the Republic of Uzbekistan, a round table was held between higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan and France in the building of the French Alliance in Tashkent.

At the event, bilateral meetings took place between higher educational institutions of France and Uzbekistan. Presentations from representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Embassy of France and the Erasmus+ educational program were also heard.

“Cooperation between France and Uzbekistan is expanding in the field of higher and professional education,” noted Laurent Auriol, consultant for culture and cooperation at the French Embassy in Uzbekistan. – This event is a logical continuation of the official visit. There is strong cooperation between the two countries in the field of education, and today representatives of higher educational institutions of the two sides met and agreed on further cooperation.

During the round table, issues such as the further development of interuniversity cooperation, intensification of academic exchanges, implementation of joint scientific projects and joint educational programs in mutually beneficial areas were discussed.

Cooperation between 18 higher educational institutions of our republic and 22 educational organizations in France has been established on the basis of 27 agreements and memorandums signed between the two countries in different years. Today, French as the main language is taught in 9 higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan, and more than 15 thousand students and young people study this language as a first and second foreign language throughout the republic.

Vice-Rector of the Uzbek State University of World Languages Abdurakhim Nosirov said that work is underway on joint projects with higher educational institutions such as the French Academy of Versailles and the University of Cergy-Pontoise. – In recent years, thanks to the cooperation of the Uzbek State University of World Languages with French higher educational institutions, opportunities for student mobility and teacher training have been widely established. I would even like to especially note that teachers from France teach French at our university. At today’s event, we reached agreements on the further expansion of our cooperation,” said A. Nosirov.

It should be noted that more than 15,000 students throughout the country are studying French as a foreign language. Along with German, French is the second language (after English) studied in educational institutions of our republic. Further strengthening of relations in this regard was achieved during the round table.

Source: Information service

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