Website of 2015-2020

Jean Monnet projects database

Jean Monnet Activities

Jean Monnet activities continue to play an important role in reflections on the future of Europe. By promoting excellence in teaching and research in the field of European studies, Jean Monnet actions represent an effective EU public diplomacy resource. Jean Monnet actions have an impact both in Europe and worldwide.

Jean Monnet actions enhance understanding and knowledge of the EU and its policies. These actions provide increased opportunities for teaching, learning and debating, both in higher education and general education and training, and improve the quality of teaching and professional training on EU-related subjects. Jean Monnet activities encourage the dialogue between the academic world and policy-makers, thus enhancing the governance of EU policies.


Jean Monnet projects in Uzbekistan

Project year2020

Project type: Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence

Project №620528-EPP-1-2020-1-UZ-EPPJMO-CoE

Project title: Tashkent Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for European studies

Project description: As its name suggests, the proposed Project claims to be a focal point of competence and knowledge on European studies in Uzbekistan and centers around the answer to the question: why the EU studies is important for the most populated country of Central Asia which is located far away from Europe. Unsurprisingly, one could wonder whether it is useful to develop EU studies in Uzbekistan. Certainly, it is useful for two main reasons. 

First, for those who will be involved in their professional career in exchanges with the EU and its Member States, it is necessary to know the rules of the European Single Market and the decision-making processes and rules on relationships with third countries. Only if you understand the decision-making processes you can have an influence on the final decisions that are relevant for you. 

Secondly, the EU is also a historically unique model for the integration of national economies into a single market based on the principles of democracy and the rule of law. Studying this experience will be helpful to find out adequate forms of institutional cooperation in Central Asia. 

The Project combines the three type of activities in the field of EU studies: teaching, research and awareness raising dissemination through open public debates and publications. It offers a new, more institutionalized, centralized and specialized form of European studies for Uzbek academic world. It gathers local key experts in the field of EU studies around itself and unites their scientific efforts directing all activities of Uzbek scientists toward a single common goal.


Project year2018

Project type: Jean Monnet Modules

Project №599706-EPP-1-2018-1-UZ-EPPJMO-MODULE

Project titleErasmus Module on European Studies in Business, Economics and Finance

Project descriptionIn accordance with the main aim of the Jean Monnet Actions of promoting excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies the proposed project EMESBEF has a purpose of introducing a module in EU Studies with focus on the area of International Business, Economics and Finance in the master level curriculum of TSUE. 

TSUE is offering multiple courses in international business, economics and finance, but it doesn’t focus on its European dimension. The in-depth unified perspective is lacking. The introduction of the Module will allow to focus students on European dimension of international business, in this way mainstreaming the EU-related topics throughout the curricula. The main objectives are:

- to widen the awareness of the field of EU Studies among economic students and academic staff of the TSUE and beyond,

- to provide the large number of current and future policy- and decision-makers with relevant and up-to date knowledge on the specific areas in EU studies,

- to introduce modern methodological tools into the educational process of TSUE, starting from the module and disseminating the knowledge across the university and beyond. 

The proposed Module will contribute to both tasks, offering general courses in EU Business, Economics, Finance.Studies to the multiple groups of postgraduate students coming from the wide array of economics-related specializations. At the same time several workshops devoted to the deeper discussion of the particular topics will be intended to those students, as well as academics and practitioners, who have deeper interest for the field of EU Studies and plan to implement this knowledge in their future career. In terms of methodology, the course is going to introduce new methods into the educational process used at the TSUE. In particular the teaching methodology is based on the case study method, which allows both intro- and retrospective analysis of the theoretically and practically relevant business situations.


Project year: 2016

Project typeJean Monnet Chairs

Project №575001-EPP-1-2016-1-UZ-EPPJMO-CHAIR

Project title: Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law and Politics

Project descriptionPlanned activities of the Project entitled “Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law and Politics” are as follows: to keep teaching existing “Basic EU Law” (Bachelor) and to implement new interdisciplinary “European Law and Politics” course for graduate (Master) students of International Law Department and International Relations Department of UWED. The Project aims at teaching the courses on European integration on the basis of a new interdisciplinary approach. Thus, it would enable us to synchronize some of the similar subjects and courses to serve one common goal. One of the final results of the Project was to establish and develop an interdisciplinary teaching methodology of the courses related to European integration. As a result, the planned Project is expected to be an interdisciplinary methodological hub for other institutions of higher education in Uzbekistan where EU related courses are taught. Admittedly, this would be the first step in Uzbekistan aimed at institutionalization of teaching EU related courses. Along with teaching process of the EU related courses, it is planned to strengthen teaching-material basis of the teaching in general. For that aim a new edition of the textbook on European Union Law has been envisaged, and existing curricula has to be renewed and enriched. International cooperation with Jean Monnet chair holders is welcomed by the Project in order to encourage further development of teaching methodology. Besides teaching, three types of additional activities are planned to be carried out in the form of guest lectures, seminar-workshops and conference participations. The Project has been elaborated in response to the increasing importance of the European dimension of Foreign policy of Uzbekistan.


Project year2011

Project typeEuropean Module

Project №200282-LLP-1-2011-1-UZ-AJM-MO

Project titleTeaching the European Union Law

SubjectEU Legal Studies

Project descriptionThe objective of the Project is, on the one hand, to keep the continuity of teaching already implemented the Introductory European Union Law course (existing') for undergraduate (bachelor degree) students, to further this tradition and to improve it, on the other hand, to implement advanced European Union Law course (new) for graduate (Master degree) students. In this regard, it would be worthy to remind that Introductory European Union Law course was already introduced to the curriculum of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in 2005-2006 academic years and it has been successfully taught at the International Law Department and International Relations Department of UWED.


Project year: 2009

Project type: Information and Research Activities

Project №: 154227-LLP-1-2009-1-UZ-AJM-IC

Project title: Support for education, information and research activities on European Union integration

Subject: EU Interdisciplinary Studies

Project description: The fact that the EU integration is getting more widened and deepened and the EU is admitted as major economic, financial and political actor in international arena, it obviously strengthen the attention of international community as well. There are European studies centers in the different part of the world. We should admit that despite that one the priority of Uzbekistan foreign policy is relationship with the EU, there is much to work on. Therefore, the main objective of this Project is to fill in the gap and meet the Uzbekistan external policy demands. The main objectives of the Project are: to stimulate the EU teachings, to support research activities on EU integration and to disseminate information related to European integration process. During the Project it is targeted to support researches and publish its outcomes, organization of conferences, workshops and discussions. The main result of the Project is to make familiar great amount of population with the gist of the EU integration, to provide with the news, work out the proposals for implementation of the EU integration experience to Central Asia region and to contribute to the development of the EU-Uzbekistan relations.

Jean Monnet Activities - Database

Jean Monnet activities from 1995 – 2020


Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Learning Mobility of Individuals

Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions

Cooperation among organisations and institutions

Key Action 3

Jean Monnet Actions

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