Higher educational profile (of Uzbekistan, as of January 10, 2022)
Number of higher education institutions (HEIs): 156 (one hundred fifty-six) including public (105), private HEIs and the campuses of international HEIs in Uzbekistan (both – 51). (in comparison with 77 HEIs in 2016).
Number of students in higher education (bachelors and masters): 774,000 (seven hundred seventy four thousand). (692, 000 (six hundred ninety-two thousand), as of 10th of June, 2021).
Number of international students: 5,500 (five thousand and four hundred). (4, 803 (four thousand eight hundred three), as of 10th of June, 2021).
Number of faculty: 31,000 (thirty one thousand).
Relevant authorities/bodies for higher education:
-Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, web-site: www.edu.uz/en;
-Ministry of Innovative Development, www.mininnovation.uz/en (for doctoral studies and research);
-State Inspectorate for Supervision of Quality In Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, web-site: www.tdi.uz/en/.
Division of higher education systems (years, quarters, semesters, years of master’s, PhD degrees):
Bachelor's degree – 4 years (8 semesters, two semesters in an academic year, each academic year starts from September);
Master's degree – 2 years (4 semesters, two semesters in an academic year, each academic year starts from September);
PhD – 3 years (each academic year starts from January);
*because of some specific requirements on medical education, division of higher education in medicine is to be checked additionally.