Website of 2015-2020


2nd European Union Education Fair to be held in Tashkent, Samarkand and Namangan

2nd European Union Education Fair to be held in Tashkent, Samarkand and Namangan

2nd European Union Education Fair Brings Some of the Leading EU Universities and International Academic Agencies to Uzbekistan

5 October, 2023, Tashkent. The 2nd European Union Education Fair, organized by the EU Delegation to Uzbekistan and the National Erasmus+ Office, will showcase some of the leading EU universities and international academic agencies. The universities will meet prospective students in Tashkent, Samarkand, and Namangan. The fair is conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports, and local universities.

"The European Union is highly regarded as a prominent education and research center. Several EU countries are home to some of the world's top-ranked universities, making the EU a significant player in global higher education that warmly welcomes students from Uzbekistan.  Uzbekistan's future prosperity rests on its talented youth. Education forms the bedrock, essential for sustainable development. University education in the European Union also fosters global knowledge and skills that will fuel progress in Uzbekistan after the return of the graduates", stated Charlotte Adriaen, Ambassador of the European Union to Uzbekistan. 

Several European Union countries, including Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Romania, Spain will showcase their undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs. The National Agencies of France – Campus France, the Czech Republic – DZS and Germany – DAAD will present the wide-range study opportunities in their countries.

Featured institutions like the University of Bucharest and Freie Universität Berlin, renowned for academic excellence, will participate. This event, relevant for high school seniors and university students aspiring for education in the European Union, offers a unique chance to explore top-notch educational opportunities.

In view of the next 2024 Erasmus+ Call for proposals, both EU and the local universities will explore institutional cooperation within Erasmus+ projects. Information about individual Erasmus+ scholarships along with the national scholarships of EU Member States will attract the attention of young people.

The EU Education Fair, supported by Team Europe, echoes the messages of the European Year of Skills, emphasizing lifelong learning. Additionally, it resonates with Uzbekistan's Year of Human Care and Quality Education, symbolizing our shared commitment to nurturing skills and fostering high-quality education in the country. Co-organizers are EU Member States and the National Erasmus+ Office in Uzbekistan. Free entrance.


Fair Schedule: Date and Time

9 October, Tashkent

Alisher Navo`i Tashkent State University of the Uzbek Language and Literature



11 October, Samarkand

“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage



13 October, Namangan (Mini Education Fair)

Namangan Region Cultural Centre arranged by Namangan State Institute of Foreign Languages



About Erasmus+

The Erasmus+ Programme funded by the European Commission, supports the reform in higher education systems through the financing of joint projects between European higher education institutions and Higher Education Institutions in partner-countries worldwide, including Central Asia.

Erasmus+ programme in Uzbekistan supports projects, partnerships, and mobility in the field of Higher Education. The activities of the National Erasmus+ Office in Uzbekistan are focused on improving the relevance, effectiveness, and impact of the Erasmus+ programme in the country.




Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Learning Mobility of Individuals

Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions

Cooperation among organisations and institutions

Key Action 3

Jean Monnet Actions

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