Erasmus+ CBHE cluster meeting

Cluster Meeting on impact of Erasmus + CBHE projects on higher education in the agriculture, water resources management and environment dedicated to the 35th anniversary of Erasmus+
On December 26, 2022 International Agriculture University hosted a Cluster Meeting on impact of Erasmus + Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) projects on higher education in the agriculture, veterinary, water resources management and environment dedicated to the 35th anniversary of Erasmus+ with participation of 50 representatives of 10 universities.
Welcoming remarks were made by the Rector of International Agriculture University, Dr. Munira Aminova; Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture on Economics, Innovative Development and Investments Alisher Shukurov; First Deputy Director of the Center for Higher Education Development Research and Implementation of Advanced Technologies, Muzaffar Esanov, and NEO Coordinator, Aziza Abdurakhmanova. The role of Erasmus+ projects in agriculture, water resources management and environment on modernization and enhancing quality of education was emphasized by speakers. This event was attended by local Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) project coordinators and team members, the representatives of International Relations Offices (IRO), initiators of local joint projects, representatives of private and public sector, members of territorial administrative units, research institutes, state unitary enterprises and state centers, and general public. Local coordinators and members made presentations on 8 completed, ongoing and newly selected projects. Also, the representative of EU funded “Skills Development for Employability in Rural Areas of Uzbekistan” project Shakhnoza Namazova shared information about the project.
Meeting agenda, background paper, and respective presentations of speakers can be found here: