Website of 2015-2020


HR analytics seminar for Uzbekistan Higher Education Institutions in the framework of Erasmus+ TALENT project

HR analytics seminar for Uzbekistan Higher Education Institutions in the framework of Erasmus+ TALENT project


Today, on 22nd of June, 2022 - Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) Administrative and Academic Staff members (Abdumalik Djumanov, Jobir Malabaev, Human Capital Management department and Erasmus+ "TALENT: Establishing Master Programmes in HRM and Talent Development in Central Asia" project team) organized HR Analytics seminar for HR managers of Uzbek Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). More than 30 (thirty) HR managers from both international and local universities participated in the event. The seminar focused on case studies, concepts and examples, trends and issues of HRM Analytics. As per the government strategy of digital development, HR analytics is timely discipline that needs to be reinforced among HEIs.


HR analytics helps organisations to answer the following questions:

 - how to reduce recruitment costs and recruitment speed by optimizing recruiting processes. 

- how to keep statistics on the actual presence of staff at the workplace;

- how to determine the degree of effectiveness of investments in personnel, and more. 

The event is a starting point for future collaboration opportunities within the sphere of HRM Analytics and further enhancement of human capital management and talent development system among HEIs in Uzbekistan. 


Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Learning Mobility of Individuals

Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions

Cooperation among organisations and institutions

Key Action 3

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