An online meeting was held within the framework of the DEBSEUz project.

On February 19, 2025, an online meeting was held to discuss the DEBSEUz project.
The main goal of the DEBSEUz project, implemented within the framework of the Erasmus+ program, is to study the experience of European countries in renewable energy sources, particularly solar energy, to become familiar with educational programs, and to implement effective practices from relevant higher education institutions in Uzbekistan.
During the meeting, the following issues were discussed:
- Project management and coordination
- Financial flows and budget management
- Announcement of the completed tasks of the project
- Organization of bachelor’s degree programs
- Approval and accreditation of new educational programs (FerPI, JizPI, KSU) and modernization of existing educational programs
- Establishment of laboratories and centers
- Pilot launch of training and cooperation centers at two partner technical universities in Uzbekistan
- Quality control and monitoring
- Implementation of the dissemination plan (mid-term), dissemination issues (FERPI), website preparation and updates
- Preparation for a national conference within the project
During the online meeting, the university staff assigned to the above topics spoke about the challenges and achievements encountered during the implementation of the project. At the end of the meeting, a plan for future tasks was developed, and agreements were made on the issues that need to be addressed.
Official website of the project: