Jean Monnet Practical Seminar 2024

On 04 June 2024, The National Erasmus+ Office Uzbekistan held Jean Monnet Practical Seminar at Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies in collaboration with Jean Monnet coordinators.
This seminar was specifically tailored for higher education institutions interested in submitting proposals for Jean Monnet projects in the upcoming call for proposals. Introductory presentation was delivered by Bonu Abdusalomova, NEO project Manager. It was followed with a presentation by Dildora Shadiyeva, Jean Monnet Actions Coordinator at the University on their application experience.
Farangiz Salakhodjaeva explained how to prepare a proposal on the example of ‘Training of Trainers: European Experience in Mainstreaming Gender Equality in Education’ project. Akbar Ismanjanov shared his experience with Jean Monnet Chair "Central Asian Centre for European Trade Law" (CACETL) and highlighted the importance of team effort. The practical seminar was concluded by a member of ‘European experience in developing health insurance in Uzbekistan’ project, Dilorom Yuldasheva, who dived into Application Process: Part B.
Materials of the event can be found here: