Website of 2015-2020


Erasmus+ promotion and dissemination seminar in Nukus

Erasmus+ promotion and dissemination seminar in Nukus

On March 27, the "Erasmus+ information and promotion seminar" was held at the branch of the State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan in Nukus for representatives of all Nukus higher education institutions.

During the event, information was presented on each of the "opportunities" of the European Union's Erasmus+ program in which higher education institutions across the country can participate, as well as information on 2023 - a new competition and priorities. Also, presentations were made by the members of the projects implemented in the direction of "Increasing the capacity of higher education - CBHE" and questions were answered:

1. "DSinGIS: Doctoral Studies in GeoInformation Sciences"

2. "RUECVET: Piloting ECVET to the national VET system of Russia and Uzbekistan"

3. "MAGNET: University as a key partner of network for vocational educational training centers of middle age generation in Uzbekistan"

4. "TechReh: Technology in Rehabilitation"

At the seminar, there was an opportunity to get acquainted with the work carried out within the framework of the above-mentioned projects, including the improvement of educational programs, the employment of graduate students in cooperation with enterprises/organizations, the acquisition of equipment and the use of student potential, the relevance of meetings and events, and the results of projects. The event was meaningful and full of questions.

In the second half of the day, representatives of the Karakalpak Medical Institute organized an "Erasmus+ information seminar". During the event, the possibilities, directions and requirements of the program were introduced. Erasmus+ CBHE projects that are being conducted and completed in the field of medicine were introduced and a number of information was presented as a case study. The interest of the representatives of the institute to participate in Erasmus+ projects increased and many 

Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Learning Mobility of Individuals

Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions

Cooperation among organisations and institutions

Key Action 3

Jean Monnet Actions

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