Website of 2015-2020


International conference "Training and meetings of Erasmus+ CBHE MUSAE project"

International conference "Training and meetings of Erasmus+ CBHE MUSAE project"

Within the framework of the WP4 work package of the Erasmus+CBHE "MUSAE" project, international trainings were held on February 13-25, 2023 at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp in Antwerp, Belgium. In training, the universities of Uzbekistan, the National Institute of Art and Design, the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan and the Polytechnic University of Turin in Tashkent, Birzeit University of Palestine (BZU), Dar al Kalima University College of Art and Culture (DAK) and Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU), Tunisia A total of 18 students from the University of Sfax (USFAX) participated.

During the training, students worked on the concept "From Idea to Business Model" using their knowledge of entrepreneurship developed within the framework of the project at their universities. Students generated ideas through brainstorming and were divided into seven teams. The teams formed international teams consisting of students from Uzbekistan, Palestine, and Tunisia.

From the Italian Accademia di Belle Arti dell'Aquila (ABAQ), Università degli Studi dell'Aquila (UNIVAQ) and Conservatorio "A. Casella" (CONSAQ), the Royal Conservatoire in Antwerp, Belgium, JAMK in Finland, and teaching trainers from partner state universities helped the students. Professor Jeroen Malaise of the Conservatoire Antwerp conducted the trainings. Eliisa Suni and Hilary Mikkulainen, the leading trainer teachers of Finland's JAMK University of Applied Sciences, advised the students and gave instructions on how to eliminate existing shortcomings in ideas. Participating professors and teachers from Uzbekistan universities also actively participated, in particular, in Umida Zunnunova's "Who is your customer?", Abror Hoshimov held a presentation on the topic of "Business model canvas". Oibek Kasimov presented the project "Islamic Civilization Center in Tashkent". Professors and students of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan presented a small concert program dedicated to the music of Uzbek composers.

At the end of the training, students prepared the following projects: Memory of the World, Art Detective, BePart, The Beech, Conceptsia, Artist Collective, and CoCreate. Students continue to work on these projects online today. The final results will be presented during the festival week in L'Aquila, Italy in July 2023.




Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Learning Mobility of Individuals

Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions

Cooperation among organisations and institutions

Key Action 3

Jean Monnet Actions

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