Website of 2015-2020


Annual Conference of Erasmus+ HEREs

Annual Conference of Erasmus+ HEREs

“Perspectives of Higher Education Development” Annual Conference of Erasmus+ Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs)

On December 22, 2022 Annual HEREs Conference was held at Kimyo International University. Rector of the university, HERE Janpolat Kudaybergenov, Vice-Rector for Quality Assurance and International Cooperation, Prof. Karimjon Akhmedjanov, Director of the Centre for Higher Education Development Research and Implementation of Advanced Technologies Prof. Shukhrat Yakubov, and NEO Coordinator welcomed conference participants. Prominent topics such as reforms in higher education, concept of smart universities, the procedure of accreditation, perspectives of higher education, quality assurance in higher education were discussed in the conference. 

Two key presentations were delivered by HERE team members Prof. Nazokat Kasymova (TSUOS) on Quality assurance and Bologna process, the latest higher education developments worldwide and Prof. Nargiza Usmanova (TUIT) on place and significance of smart universities for the digital transformation of higher education. Furthermore, two successfully completed Erasmus+ CBHE projects “TALENT: Establishing Master Programmes in HRM and Talent Development in Central Asia” and “IQAT: Enhancing capacities in implementation of institutional quality assurance systems and typology using Bologna process principles” presented their project results.

In the afternoon session, NEO team and HERE team members shared recommendations on how to develop a competitive project proposal. The conference was attended by academic and administrative staff of higher educational institutions, doctoral students, national experts, representatives of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education. 


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