Website of 2015-2020


Follow-Up Activity of the TAM Seminar Held in Nukus

Follow-Up Activity of the TAM Seminar Held in Nukus

On December 27, 2024, the Nukus branch of TUIT hosted a follow-up event to the two-day online TAM seminar titled “Forging Stronger Bonds: Enhancing Collaboration Between Higher Education Institutions and Industry”, which took place on December 24-25, 2024. The seminar featured European expert Professor Christina Theodoraki and focused on strengthening partnerships between academia and industry.

The follow-up event brought together representatives from higher education institutions (HEIs) and IT sector enterprises in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. During the event, HERE representative A. Tureniyazova summarized key insights from Professor Theodoraki’s presentation and discussed examples of successful collaborations between European universities and industrial enterprises.

Additionally, A. Tureniyazova shared impressions from a recent study visit to Tampere University of Applied Sciences in Finland in September 2024. The visit highlighted the university's robust partnerships with manufacturing industries, providing valuable lessons for fostering similar collaborations locally.

The event concluded with a discussion on Professor Theodoraki’s recommendations for enhancing partnerships between HEIs and industry in Karakalpakstan. Plans were outlined to establish and further develop these collaborations in the near future, ensuring practical outcomes and long-term benefits.

Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Learning Mobility of Individuals

Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions

Cooperation among organisations and institutions

Key Action 3

Jean Monnet Actions

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