Website of 2015-2020


Successful Conclusion of the Online TAM Seminar: "Forging Stronger Bonds: Enhancing Collaboration between Higher Education Institutions and Industry"

Successful Conclusion of the Online TAM Seminar: "Forging Stronger Bonds: Enhancing Collaboration between Higher Education Institutions and Industry"

On December 24-25, 2024, an online seminar titled "Forging Stronger Bonds: Enhancing Collaboration between Higher Education Institutions and Industry" was successfully organized via Zoom. Hosted by the National Erasmus+ Office in Uzbekistan and the Nukus Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, the event gathered over 100 participants, including vice rectors, heads of marketing departments, and officials from the Ministry of Higher Education.

The seminar was moderated by Asiya Tureniyazova, HEREs team member, Head of the IT Department at the Nukus Branch of TUIT. The key expert for the event was HDR Dr. Christina Theodoraki, a renowned expert in entrepreneurship and innovation. Dr. Theodoraki is a Full Professor at IAE Aix-Marseille, Program Chair of the ENT Division (Academy of Management), Advisory Board Member at Indiana University, and Editor & Associate Editor for leading entrepreneurship journals. She provided invaluable insights into strengthening industry-academia collaboration, promoting innovation, and aligning higher education curricula with Industry 4.0 requirements.

Participants benefited from keynote presentations, panel discussions, and interactive workshops, developing actionable strategies for enhancing university-industry partnerships. This event is part of the broader Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) initiatives and supports Uzbekistan’s higher education reforms in line with the national development plan.

Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Learning Mobility of Individuals

Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions

Cooperation among organisations and institutions

Key Action 3

Jean Monnet Actions

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