"Building Green" online session: "Greening the construction sector - Moving forward in provision of skills for the green transition"

We are pleased to invite you to the BUILDING GREEN online session:
Greening the construction sector - Moving forward in provision of skills for the green transition.
On 26 March 2024, 12:00 - 14:30 CET/Turin Time.
We zoom in on the construction sector.
Buildings currently contribute to 39 % of global energy-related carbon emissions. Within this, 28% stems from operational emissions, which are generated from the energy required to heat, cool, and power buildings. The remaining 11% of emissions originate from materials and construction processes.
Urgent action is needed! - And a skilled workforce is vital for innovation and emission reduction.
We will explore the adoption of sustainable materials and innovative technologies, along with a deep dive into examples of occupational standards and green VET programmes for the construction sector.
Key takeaways from the event:
- Insights into cutting-edge green materials and technologies
- Construction value chain explained
- Discussions on green vocational education and training programs – Ireland and Slovenia
- Green Continuous Professional Development initiatives – Moldova and Canada
- UNESCO-UNEVOC – BIBB on greening the construction sector
Interpretation is provided in in French, Turkish, Ukrainian and Russian.
You are welcome to share the invitation with your colleagues and your network!
Please register by the 25th of March by clicking on the button below:
After registering you will receive the link to access the meeting.
For more information on GRETA please visit ENE GRETA’s website page or contact GRETA Lead Expert, Susanne M. Nielsen at ETF